High spin states of 72Ge were investigated using the data that was collected at iThemba LABS in Western Cape Republic of South Africa. A softaware called RadWare was used to analyse the data that was collected. 1519 keV was used as a starting excitation energy to construct the level scheme of 72Ge. 1056 keV was used to link Band 3 that was constructed to Band 1 of the level scheme. The RDCO was calculated and the obtained average values of RDCO for E2 and E1 transitions were 0.9 and 1.2 respectively. These values were similar to the theoretical predictions. The Linear polarisation Ap was also calculated in order to assign the spin and parity. The newly assigned spin and parity are: For 580 keV, Iπ = 6+ , 760 keV, Iπ = 8−, 997 keV, Iπ = 10−, and finally, 1120 keV, Iπ = 12+.