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Implementation of the National Inclusive Education Strategy, a Case of selected mainstream secondary schools in Northern Education Division, Malawi

Show simple item record Msekawanthu, Josephine 2023-10-03T07:01:35Z 2023-10-03T07:01:35Z 2023-08
dc.identifier.citation Msekawanthu, J. (2023). Implantation of the National Inclusive Education Strategy, a Case of selected mainstream secondary schools in Northern Education Division, Malawi [master's Thesis]. Mzuzu University Digital Repository. en_US
dc.description.abstract The study aimed at evaluating the implementation of the National Inclusive Education Strategy (NIES) in Malawi (2017-2021) in selected secondary schools. The study investigated secondary school managers’ understanding of the NIES, assessed how secondary school managers are implementing the NIES, and identified factors that affect the implementation of NIES. This was guided by the Transformational Leadership Theory. This study was underpinned by interpretivist paradigm and employed qualitative approach under a case study design. It took place in the Northern Education Division in four selected secondary schools. Schools were purposively sampled. The participants were headteachers, deputy headteachers and heads of departments. Ethical issues were followed. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Interviews were recorded using a voice recorder and transcribed manually. Codes were identified and came up with the following themes: secondary school managers’ understanding of the NIES, managers’ implementation of the NIES basing on roles assigned to schools, and factors that influence and hinder the implementation of the NIES. The following were the major findings of the study: secondary school managers’ understanding of the NIES has not developed well; secondary school managers’ implementation of the NIES basing on roles assigned to schools had not been successful; the implementation of the NIES is being negatively affected by several factors, the most salient ones being in adequate resources and knowledge gap. Therefore, the study came up with the following recommendations: schools should be conducting Continuous Professional Developments on Inclusive Education issues; the Ministry of Education under the Department of Inclusive Education should be orienting secondary school managers on the NIES; schools should establish a department of Inclusive Education. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Mzuzu University en_US
dc.subject Diverse needs en_US
dc.subject Transformational Leadership en_US
dc.title Implementation of the National Inclusive Education Strategy, a Case of selected mainstream secondary schools in Northern Education Division, Malawi en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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